Ace your CeMAP 1 exam with our industry leading online mock quiz.
Congratulations! You now have access to our Distance Learning Mock platform. Unlock the ultimate CeMAP 1 study tool. We have over 3,500 questions & answers on this site. New questions are added regularly. Our CeMAP Mock quizzes have clearly detailed answers to help you understand where you have gone wrong. Stay ahead of the game with our Mock-Quiz-Expert site!
CeMAP 1 includes:
- Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Services Environment and Products. Each CeMAP 1 unit 1 mock will have 50 randomly selected multiple choice questions. You have 1 hour for this unit. The pass mark is 70%.
- Unit 2: UK Financial Services and Regulation. Each CeMAP 1 unit 2 mock will have 50 randomly selected multiple choice questions. You have 1 hour for this unit. The pass mark is 70%.
Note: You must complete the mock test in one session, this is a 2 hour quiz. The explanations for any incorrect answers will be shown at the end of the unit quiz. Once you have assessed your answers you can commence the next unit.
Good Luck.