Ace your exams with our industry leading online mock quiz – invest in your future success today!
Welcome to our Mock-Quiz-Expert website, you now have exclusive access to our online mocks. On our Mock-Quiz-Expert site you can access our CeMAP, CeRER and DiPFA (All modules)* mocks with over 2,500 questions and answers on our site, with new questions being added on a regular basis.
*Access to our mocks requires purchase of either our classroom, live webinar or distance learning courses. You will receive access to the mock/s included in your course.
Good Luck.
CeMAP Mocks
- CeMAP 1: Get access to 100 multiple choice questions (50 questions per unit (units 1 and 2)) per quiz. Each time you complete the quiz you will get new random questions.
- CeMAP 2: Get access to 100 multiple choice questions (20-30 questions per unit (units 3,4,5 and 6)) per quiz. Each time you complete the quiz you will get new random questions.
- CeMAP 3: Get access to 18 case studies (unit 7), with 10 questions per case study.
- CeRER: Get access to 60 multiple choice questions (60 questions in unit 1) per quiz. Each time you complete the quiz you will get new random questions. And two case studies with 10 linked multiple-choice questions.
- FSRE (Module 1): Get access to 25 multiple choice questions per unit (Units 1 and 2). Each time you complete the quiz you will get new random questions. And 3 case studies with 5 linked questions per unit (80 questions in total). This quiz includes units 1 and unit 2.
- AFAT (Module 2): Taxation mock quiz: Get access to 20 multiple choice questions per unit (Each time you complete the quiz you will get new random questions ) and 2 case studies with 5 linked questions per unit (60 questions in total). This quiz includes units 3 and unit 4.
- AFAI (Module 3): Investments mock quiz: Get access to 20 multiple choice questions per unit (Each time you complete the quiz you will get new random questions) and 2 case studies with 5 linked questions per unit (60 questions in total). This quiz includes units 5 and unit 6.
- AFAP (Module 4): Protection mock quiz: Get access to 20 multiple choice questions per unit (Each time you complete the quiz you will get new random questions ) and 2 case studies with 5 linked questions per unit (60 questions in total). This quiz includes units 7 and unit 8.
- AFAR (Module 5): Retirement Planning mock quiz: Get access to 20 multiple choice questions per unit (Each time you complete the quiz you will get new random questions ) and 2 case studies with 5 linked questions per unit (60 questions in total). This quiz includes units 9 and unit 10.